For Lease - Industrial

Corner unit
6145 Marivaux
6145 Marivaux
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Property Specifications

Modern industrial space conveniently situated near Lacordaire and des Grandes Prairies. This corner unit boasts abundant natural light, generous parking, and includes a complimentary mezzanine area. Proximity to bus and train services. Espace industriel moderne, idéalement situé près de Lacordaire et des Grandes Prairies. Cette unité de coin bénéficie d'une lumière naturelle abondante, d'un stationnement généreux, et comprend un espace mezzanine gratuit. A proximité des services de bus et de train."

Min. Size (sq ft) 3 997 sq. ft.
Max. Size (sq ft) 3 997 sq. ft.
Clear Height (feet) 16 ft.
Drive-In Doors 1
Parking 4

Area Breakdown (sq ft)

Office Warehouse Total
Ground 0 3 997 3 997
Mezzanine 0 425 425
TOTAL 0 4 422 4 422
Occupancy December 2024
Year of Construction 1984
Zoning i12-11, i1, c1, c2, c3
Electrical Entry
Warehouse Heating Aerotherme-gaz / Suspended-Gas
Office Heating Plinthe élec / Elec baseboard
Building Type Multi-locatif / Multi-Tenant
Premises Type Attaché / Attached
Dimensions (feet) 33.50 X 120.00

Financial Information

Lease type Net
Base Rent
Base Rent $4 663.17
Operating Expenses (est.) *: $1 415.60
Total Monthly Rental $6 078.77
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